There are distinct differences between QA/QC for wireline and M/LWD. We have worked extensively with our clients to adapt our proven wireline processes to deliver a QA/QC dashboard solution which is very different to what has been done before within the industry.
It has proven to be effective for the QA/QC consultant to be engaged during the preparation of equipment for the following reasons:
- To ensure that the required equipment to deliver the M/LWD programme is available and maintained as per the service provider’s quality management system (including operational tests and calibrations)
- Review the choice of assets to the sub-component level to ensure that there is no outstanding maintenance or history of failures
- Provide visibility on the status of all equipment being placed in the BHA and which assets will be used as main and backup
- Provide visibility to where assigned assets are physically located during the preparation phase and the lead times to operational readiness
- Provide visibility on secondary backups and availability in the event of failure (during preparation or operations phases)
- Ensure that the correct equipment is shipped offshore
- Ensure crews are competent to perform the planned operations